Friday, April 26, 2024

My Greatest Small Surrender

My greatest small surrender: 

as for me, perhaps my greatest small surrender is in approaching the page each morning without a clear idea in mind to write of, my own emptiness of words matched to the screen, and simply having faith that inspiration will soon arrive with exactly what I need. My only plan is patience, writing is never guaranteed, and yet it always seems to happen. Waiting for just the right word or phrase is part of writing, it can't be rushed as then the words are mine and not a true gift of inspiration. And the difference is amazing in contrast, if I rush for words, reaching beyond my present silence just to fill the page, there's the absence of an easy flow, a struggle, and a sense that whatever's written isn't truly mine. They weren't gifted to me, not given as a reward for my patience and surrender...

but words without a touch of inspiration.

and not truly belong to the page.

the thing is, it's not really my surrender, it's a process that now mostly happens on its own, and it begins with the clear recognition that I'm not the author, more of an arranger of words, and even that is based on an intuitive sense of rhythm. All of this has been gifted to me, and in no way can it be seen as an achievement, I'm an author in name alone. 

my attachment to the process has been surrendered.

and even that happened on its own.

each morning, my greatest small surrender...

yet no one there to claim it.

until I sign my name below. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Just...Wow 

Also, please visit to buy: Stillness Speaks 

Thank you. 

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