Saturday, October 17, 2015

The No Attainment Of Running

There is no attainment.

We dream of absence in a sleep of
shared delusions.

Waking to a false dawn that
holds all distance.

And day begins with
settled borders.

This is our time to

A true dawn of no attainment.

Only moments yielding to the constant
flow...of what is always

It certainly seems as if we attain something - miles, a sense of accomplishment, or even the allusive sense of peace. Yet they fade. Even medals eventually rust. It comes back to the simplicity of running - we give all kinds of easy answers to the question of why we devote ourselves to distance - and the answer always remains the easiest one and yet the one that we're unable to articulate in any reasonable way. We run - to give ourselves away.
Not to get a single thing.
But for a certain length of time and distance - we run to know the emptiness of only motion. In this we find there is truly no attainment.
Nothing can be absent from
our touch.


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