Thursday, October 15, 2015

To Find Our Own Perfection

we find our own perfection in broken
parts along the way.
trusting in the space that
binds them

If we run far enough - something within us will break. Ego, will and even faith will flee. We are left with nothing. And there we find our own perfection. Everything of the world will break. It's the first truth of Buddha and the law of impermanence. It's a known fact for runners. We break. Yet still we carry on. Here's what we find: there is something more, ineffable and light bearing behind the solidness of mind and will. To break is to allow. It's to reveal. We are that which waits behind the wall of self. If we run far enough, long enough, if we break and continue past the hold of mind and body - we find nothing. Just the space that holds are own perfection.


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