Monday, October 26, 2015

Running As Stillness

In reality there is no quiet mind. Our stillness is a further depth existing on its own accord. Thoughts happen. They appear and pass and again become in their own fleeting wave. It's the nature of the mind. Yet our truth is much different. Our nature is stillness itself and the impartial witness to all that passes. We are the presence that observes the mind. At one time I believed that running led to stillness. I glimpsed the quite mind and thought my steps would take me there again. There is no need to be taken to reality. It was running, distance, far distance, that revealed an intrinsic stillness that never waivered. I am stillness and all things pass through this. You are stillness and all things pass through you. We are stillness.
So there is no need to resist the mind. No reason to believe that thoughts carry any weight through our existence. The mind thinks. We exist.


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