Wednesday, September 2, 2015

In The Absence Of A Runner

To disappear within a step - aware solely of earth and sky and the sweep of all things passing. There is no runner - only motion. And so it is with every step.

In the absence of a runner we find ourselves as unbridled awareness swept as motion. Absence means that we no longer fully identify with the trivialities of what we think while running. The thoughts may still flitter across the screen of mind -yet they are weightless in their drifting. As well, we tend with care to the body's concerns yet we know we exist beyond its form. It's the simple measure of opening to the endless sky after years of being clouded in - we come to know our original nature. The contemplation of any object or thought along with the self-inquiry of searching for the observer will shift perspectives to new awareness. Distance running provides us time to go beyond the thinker and the runner. In the absence of a runner - only awareness remains.


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