Saturday, February 24, 2018

Absence Of A Holder

all held - yet more, in the 
absence of a

it's an endless, open embrace.

Emptiness doesn't quite serve our description - it's true that we lack a solid self, we are more a fluid sense of energy and motion seemingly contained within a temporary form. Searching for this ever changing self leaves us right at the abyss of nothing found. 
Yet we don't stop there. 
Our search shows the infinite expands in all directions - beginning exactly where we happen to look. This is the big bang of continuous creation, from mystery, the very same abyss that starred us down, is now the openness that that serves our expansion. 
It's what we are. 
And as this there is nothing beyond our reach - indeed we are an ever flowing reach of allowance, and even more our capacity lends itself to manifest form in the state of each other, and earth and stars as well. 
Emptiness, yes - and as such we 
hold the world. 


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