Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Consisting of Patterns

Consisting of patterns:  

consisting of patterns - that somehow, through infinite space, the world is arranged just so, and that we hold perfect to this particular form. Our truth is not substantial, being mostly space with an aware sense of ourselves being granted. We are are patterns interacting through spacious design, emptiness arranged for the benefit of the life we know. 

my own sense of eternity is that we are simply rearranged, our pattern dispersed and again formless in its nature. There are aspects that continue, certain cells recycled in an energetic fashion, our atom, every particle of our existence, just lend themselves to the sake of other patterns all together.

in this sense, it seems that we continue. 

as for awareness, I have no idea - of course there are things that I imagine, stories that have taken hold, hopeful, and believed for some time. Yet, mostly now, I have given myself to each moment, not in a mindful sense, but in knowing only of each instant at hand. Nothing more, and nothing more needed to be fulfilled. 

just now. 

so really, this my cosmology of the moment, no belief held certain, no hope given to what seems to be unknown. My eternity starts now, an entire existence simply given. Life, consisting of patterns, somehow arranged for just this moment. 


Peace, Eric 

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