Wednesday, April 7, 2021

An Easy Way

An easy way: 

let's simplify things, an easy way to hold the world - my oft repeated phrase is that everything belongs, and this is so for me by virtue of seeing. My view, right now and always, reveals no lines that cause division, it's a seamless flow of distinctions, unique features lending themselves to the continuation of the world. This carries over to everything - to the current birdsong outside my window and the silence played between each note. There is only listening, the effortless wait for sound, and the song that then emerges. It's the experience of one thing only, even through the infinite components that come to make this moment happen. My actual experience is simply listening - one thing of many interactions. 

so for me, there's little to argue, no cause for debate when others claim to see a different world, or believe there is a point of separation. Everything belongs - including views other than my own. This too is a seamless experience, not found anywhere but my own immediate understanding. If it's present, it belongs for however long its stay, even if it's counter to my wishes. Each experience shows me through endless capacity my position in the world - that to be aware is simply a process, an event of present moment that somehow holds its own attention. 

what I find myself to be - is this belonging. 

to be clear, I'm not the one who chooses this - that everything belongs is my own inclusion, my every thought that gathers as a belief is part of this belonging. This all happens on its own. That's why it's all so simple, such an easy way to hold the world - nothing has to be done to make this so. Everything belongs, even arguments that say otherwise. 

it's that simple, really. 


Peace, Eric 

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