Wednesday, April 28, 2021

From The Whole

From the whole: 

it's our cause for separation, that each event is seen broken from the whole, and not sure in their belonging. We believe in parts, life given in pieces to most easily be managed, and miss the seamless flow of a world operating together, every piece really just an aspect of the one. 

yet life itself not is not divided, it doesn't belong to parts, and no description really ever captures this - but it's our true experience, that we see a blade of grass belonging to a greater field, still touched to earth and equal in its embrace of sky. 

what we see is seamless. 

somehow this world is lost to us in translation, we see wholeness and break it down to parts, managing life by what seems like pieces. Perhaps we believe it's an easier way to deal with the world, something smaller for us to hold and make our own? But through this we also lose our real belonging, that we are seamless too, and held by earth and sky as surely as every blade of grass. 

we can see what's so, our true world - simply search for any real separation, a part of nature that is not instantly held by something else as well. Our world is intimate beyond compare, each of us touched by one air, a single breath received. 

nothing is ever broken from the whole. 


Peace, Eric 

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