Sunday, April 4, 2021

To The World

To the world:

then, it seems there's a return, a reattachment to the world, more deeply committed to serve and cherish those I love. It's a different way now, lighter, even in its growing depth. I care, simply because I do, without reason beyond the love that's present. 

with this, I give myself fully to the world. 

of course it's not that I divorced myself from these affairs, nor cared less for those I love - but a distance came to the meaning of things, I found myself unattached to views once held before, and with this there grew a sense of viewership, a slight remove from people and events. I loved, but with dispassion, less involved in details of the world. 

it seems there often comes detachment, waking from an ego sense of love to one of less concern for events and circumstances of life goes. It's seeing life without story, a love free of any burden in its flow. It's a universal love, all giving by its nature. This was a great awakening, life hurt less in whatever loss came my way, there was no grip to hold things in passing, and my heart found peace through letting go. There was a greater ease to it all. 

and yet, again, I awaken to the world - belonging just as fully as before, a willingness to ache, and suffer, and allow myself to break at a moment's call. I am involved through every detail that occurs, not as witness but participant. There is no distance to be found. And there is wisdom here too, a knowing capacity that's willing to hold my every broken piece, a true wholeness that reveals how everything belongs. It's another freedom all together, simpler, and in a sense - returns me to the world. 

this is just my experience, not give as any record of events. It was all an easy, natural flow, just how life unfolded. There was no grand awakening, no sudden way of seeing. Life is often subtle in its ways, and so I find myself now with a love that's free to give, to receive without concern if it may be lasting, that indeed there's a deeper way to hold the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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