Saturday, April 24, 2021

As We Are

As we are: 

as we are - and no explanation needs to be given, no attempt to be anything other, we are perfect in the moment of this expression. To say this, and still wish for things to be different, to realize that perfection includes all that coincides to make this instant happen - it all belongs too, our perceived faults, limitations, and desire for improvement. Everything belongs and nothing needs to be apologized for in this inclusion.

 it's simply how things are. 

and of course we change, no one is held to a static position, and life continues to offer itself in an ever new expression. We are carried in this flow, seasonal, sometimes finding ourselves fully in our bloom, and other times quiet in a winter's hold. 

it's as we are, how we find ourselves, and to accept it all for just a moment is immeasurable in the peace that's offered. For right now, nothing needs to be other than it is, we are broken and whole at once, we are fragile yet enduring, full of every contradiction. We are life, continuing, changing, motion. Trust this, trust that life will always be varied, and that we are part of its expression, without fear of ever being excluded from anything it offers. 

it's simply what we are. 

to be just this, alive, and knowing that life has brought us exactly to this moment - there is no further explanation to be given, nothing to be defended, and no attempt to be anything other. 

it's enough to simply be.


Peace, Eric 

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