Thursday, April 1, 2021

On Fluid Terms

On fluid terms:

no real present moment, no special point of where I am, nor anything lasting past the instant of my notice - I live on fluid terms, motion, being. There is no capture of a moment, and what feels timeless, for me, is to find myself amidst life's flow, an unfolding too of my own events. Now, is never anything less than motion, constant, and elusive to any wish to hold. 

what I find myself to ongoing.

through any experience of stillness, I find motion - that perhaps the two are entwined in intimate allowing, existing only for the sake its caress. My own point of quiet isn't removed from listening, nor absence of a thought separate from the mind. It's all really one thing lending itself to different expression, the self-dialog of this existence. 

again, I find that I live on fluid terms, any moment truly noticed is already seen as nothing lasting and won't be categorized by any term, nor spiritual attainment. There is no now that isn't changing, twirling as life's motion, and too mysterious to be named. 

to be here, now, is to simply be alive - and that's all I really have to notice, that through infinite motion I somehow find myself as living, aware, and ongoing. This present moment is really just continuation, an event flowing as further aspects of itself, unique through each appearance, but always still one thing by nature. 

on fluid terms...ongoing.


Peace, Eric 

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