Saturday, April 3, 2021

Terms of measure:

each moment being a mystery of its own, that it is even described in terms of measure is misleading, and nothing stays lasting in its hold. There are no perimeters here, no real unfolding, just the experience of life changing in often sudden, and always subtle expressions. From one change to the next, a note of different thought given to these matters - we come to call such things a moment. 

yet with nothing truly lasting, how can a moment ever be defined? 

of course we can say when this happened, an experience of deep meaning, significant to our world - but with that measure comes the determination of what has meaning, how an event comes to be defined. Perhaps everything has meaning if it leads to these moments, not one past thing can be left from the equation, nothing more added. 

that's the mystery.

maybe it's best to say that a moment is life, experienced through the senses, and meaning assigned to what's been noted - there's no real reason to say more, to give any further definition. A moment will always remain a mystery. Nature itself makes no such clear distinctions, seasons blending to a flowers bloom on a chilly April day, the experience of spring in late arrival. There is no clear moment to attend to, and even my own notice is a mystery - at what point was my curiosity turned towards the contemplation of a flower, of a seasons length, and how time is then determined? 

this curiosity has no moment of its own, it's an appearance through some grace, spontaneous, and belonging to mystery itself. I have no real need to know why, or how any of this has occurred - the world has been gifted, given complete in all its wonder. 

any moment, however its been measured - is enough. 


Peace, Eric 

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