Saturday, April 17, 2021

Through Looking:

it's through looking, curiosity, and not needing anything more than the possibility of what the moment holds - by this I come to my own easiness of being, uncomplicated, resting in whatever happens to appear. This is my true surrender, without effort, and nothing really lost, nor given away. To just look - and let the world happen. 

really though, I couldn't interfere even with my hardest effort - I am completely of the world, a motion of its turning, an action that belongs to its completion. Nothing I do is separated from this. Through my own looking I find no place that I don't belong. I happen as, and with, the world. 

of course, I often come to doubt this - and all it takes is to look again to reaffirm what's so. 

right now, there is only this, a moment, and it's continuous shift of experience. I belong to each moment, aware, and occurring too as an event. I am not a separate observer, nor am I cause, or a consequence of what occurs. It all continues on. I am simply this continuation that thinks myself a pause. Through looking, I find myself as motion. 

that's it, my only inquiry, an exploration of my position in the world. It's that easy, and I don't trade my experience for the wisdom of another. What I need will be revealed by looking. Whatever I miss will find me by another glance. 

with each look - I find the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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