Sunday, April 11, 2021

This Is Fulfillment

This is fulfillment:

this is fulfillment - that emptiness is served my virtue of my presence, and nothing needs to be done to make this so. I am the fullness that's promised by the void, potentiality made manifest, and it all happens on its own, no effort ever made. This is the first, and only true miracle, that I exist at all from the infinite possibilities of otherwise. 

fulfillment is achieved, it's the end result of simply being.

this is the easy way, awakening to capacity and followed to its conclusion - first the world is acknowledged, objects, everything solid in appearance. It's real. Myself included so it seems. Yet there's another way to see it all, and it begins with innocence, curiosity, and the wish to be fulfilled, truly so. Trace any object back towards the origin of the view, a search for seer, and more, to look for the source which holds both seer and the view. An honest look, and nothings found. 

capacity is revealed.

it's my first awakening, seeing, the world originates through emptiness, from nothingness itself, and again myself included. But there's more to see, a further awakening - though I find emptiness, the world remains, my sense of self remains as well, and I am aware of it all, emptiness and its fulfillment. Capacity, and its seamless hold. Everything, and nothing too. It's all at once, a constant trade of one thing, only shifting in how its viewed. I see myself as capacity, emptiness serving, and as well I am an appearance in the world, both true and known without a contradiction. 

capacity is its own fulfillment. 

this gives me a world to explore, an endless inspiration of seeing myself emerge from nothingness to a universe fully formed. It's genesis in action, the big bang of every moment. It's my own fulfillment, and the worlds, happening now.

always now. 


Peace, Eric  

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