Thursday, April 22, 2021

Personal Evolution

Personal evolution: 

as to my personal evolution - I really see no progressive path, that at every point my life was complete as it could possibly be, at no time set apart from my position as the whole. I've always been an aspect of life, integral, and without need to progress to be anything other. Of course, it hasn't always been apparent, and now, for whatever reason so - it is. 

let's call it grace. 

to evolve is to develop in some way, added complexities, perhaps gain features never known before - and yet my own life has simplified, become less in both need and things wished for. There is less that I demand. The true things of life are constant, always present, and only seem to be revealed. Once seen, they're seen seen deeply. 

and only left to be explored. 

that's why it seems to be an evolutionary path, that something led to a single point of a grand awakening - but every revelation is a present moment reality, showing only an aspect of life somehow overlooked before. Life continues, and yes, it seems more magical in many ways, yet only because I give it more attention, a greater appreciation for the details I encounter. 

as to my personal evolution - it's all right now, this moment is always my awakening, a clarion's call to the end point of any seeking. This moment, the world is present, available, and reveals itself with every turn - it's always been this way. 

but now I see it's so. 


Peace, Eric 

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