Friday, April 9, 2021

Through Everything

Through everything:

through everything else -and this is how to see the world, that nothing is truly independent from any other aspect found,  an intricate belonging that serves to continue as the whole. It's really, only, one touch of existence spread trough distinctions. 

through everything else - there is the world. 

we know this of our own bodies, that we are cells upon cells, microbes, and elements that have somehow come together. We are not one thing alone, but a series, a process of events that lead to a form we call our own. Our existence depends upon what's touched, an interaction of infinite things that come together as a whole. It's seamless, the grace of one thing lending itself to another for some continuation, immortality gained through giving oneself away. 

through everything else, we belong. 

it all goes on this way, particles gathering to atoms and a universe gained - everything owes its existence to what it's touched against, even its distinction is known by contrast, and in a most subtle sense it's really just space that gives itself to form - nothing coming to fulfillment as everything. Through this we come to the life we've been given, still touched upon emptiness, and now continued on in form. That's the true gift, this continuous giving, one thing touched against the next in the endless fashion that makes the world. One thing giving itself away. 

and through this - everything. 


Peace, Eric 

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