Sunday, April 18, 2021

What I Can Confirm

What I can confirm: 

what I can confirm, yet offered only as my own considerations, as every insight comes by grace and belongs only for the moment known. This is only as things seem, what I note, and there is no weight given to anything as a belief. The world may very well be seen different by another, and indeed, by my own very next view. Nothing written is ultimately true. 

that I am aware, and this always seems my first consideration - it brings a certainty to my existence, awareness of the world, objects, thoughts, and my own sense of body and presence. There is no denying this existence. But I am aware, and this very statement shows me another way to see it all - that I am that which is aware, without definition of presence, nor body, nor any object viewed. 

just aware. 

this than, provides a seamless world - everything belongs here, fit perfect, even if I wish for something entirely other than what's found right now. Everything changes on its own. There's no mover, no grand arranger with a master plan. There's simply what appears. With this, I find myself as an appearance as well, an aware object of the world, yet seamless too. I am a contradiction of my own description. I'm fine with that, again, none of this is offered as true by any means. Accepting tones of irony frees me to share words. 

every view is temporary.

no philosophy is made to being aware, no great conclusion that this is all and final in its stay. This moment, I'm aware. I have no idea of any moment after. That's the great miracle of this present moment, to find myself aware, and that the world is sudden in its appearance, each instant I'm given another spontaneous view, a gift to be explored.

what I can confirm, for just myself alone, is only of this moment. 


Peace, Eric 

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