Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Long Run

As much as I enjoy track workouts, fartlek and tempo runs I think perhaps my favorite run of the week is the long run. It is a run (for me) without agenda other than distance. With each step my mind settles into a rhythm of stillness and empties itself of superfluous thought - there becomes only breath and steps and the feel of the world pressed against me in motion. When things are just right I am matched with the conditions of my run - cold, wind, heat, rain - are not conditions against me but met with welcome calm. They are aspects of self recognized in a slow and steady movement of body and soul. The farther the run the deeper this recognition until lines are blurred between realities of spirit and self - motion and stillness are one, the world that holds rain, heat and snow is the same world that beats within as heart, lung and blood. Only one world. The world I run within.


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