Saturday, November 23, 2013


Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday. I hope that this year we truly take time to reflect on what we're thankful for and I hope that we reflect on the food that sits on our dinner tables. There was a great deal of sacrifice and cruelty involved in order for the majority of us to eat as we do. Most people in the world are unable to indulge as we do - there are vast numbers who would be able to eat for months on the amount that we spent for this days food alone. Animals were horribly tortured without thought or care so we could literally do harm to ourselves in the name of being grateful. Many people will read this post and simply dismiss it or make a joke in order to pass by the vague feeling of guilt that may be unrecognized within - and that's the way things are right now. It's not a cruel world we live in -it's an unaware world. Yet maybe, maybe we will take notice of how blessed we truly are and wish this same feeling of love and gratitude towards all beings. It's what the day is all about after all.


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