Friday, November 22, 2013

There's No One Else

Happiness is an inside job. There's actually nowhere else to look. Yet we continue to look towards others not only as a source of happiness but also as our source of unhappiness. As one self-help author once pointed out - whenever you have a  problem, you're always around. So there's really no one to blame, there's no one to accuse of bringing negativity into our lives - there's only ourselves and adding blame to ourselves will only increase any disturbances we are experiencing. So no blame - only responsibility. If we wish to view the world in a more positive manner than it's more important (and practical) to change our thoughts of others than to eliminate them from our lives. Forgive others for their perceived faults - they're really only reflections of the thoughts we harbor inside. Then we forgive ourselves as well. With repetition our thoughts will become clearer and we will be able to see how much we share with others - our pain and insecurities - all the things that add up to make us human beings in a sometimes crazy world. We'll put judgment aside and practiced kindness first. It takes practice - and we have a lifetime ahead of us.


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