Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tempo Run - A Razor's Edge

Tempo run today. It's another favorite run - reminding me of the phrase from the Bhagavad Gita on the razors edge - too slow and we the runner becomes complacent and push too hard and the runner will burn out - falling from the edge. Spiritual practice is often uncomfortable - there are mornings when I would much rather sleep in and miss my early meditation. Sometimes it's much easier to allow myself to be thoughtless, or unkind and put myself first. It's a razor's edge - if I do these things I will be unfulfilled in the long term and displeased with myself in the short. So I wake up early, I meditate, I strive to be mindful and to put others first. It's my spiritual practice and will pay off in the long run. Same with the tempo run - I put in the speed work, as uncomfortable as it often is - it's a running practice I do weekly. In the long run - I will be faster.


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