Monday, November 25, 2013

Skip The Turkey

Here's a thought - you could always skip the Thanksgiving turkey this year. There's really no reason to consume turkey. The majority of Thanksgiving fare that people enjoy are the side dishes that are almost vegan anyway or could be with very little effort and no change in taste. We generally eat what we are conditioned to eat - Thanksgiving tradition and all - and this leaves very little room for mindful consumption. It's reflective eating. Why are you eating this food? The typical comment is because it's tasty. I don't buy it - anything can be stuffed and spiced up and made to be tasty - how about a green pepper? Turkey alone is pretty bland. I doubt most would enjoy it. Don't believe me? Try it. If someone really feels they absolutely need turkey for their meal this Thursday - they could hunt a wild turkey for their plate. It would takes better - like actual meat instead of hormones and preservatives. And it would be kinder. And more traditional. Here's the problem - they're tough, smart and hard to hunt. Good luck with that. It's a nice bargain though - either get one or go without. Seems fair.


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