Saturday, November 16, 2013


Author Joe Vitale's new book - At Zero - has recently been released. Joe has authored numerous books and has appeared in the documentary The Secret. Perhaps his best none work is Zero Limits which deals the topic of Ho'oponopono - the ancient Hawaiian shamanic technique of using forgiveness to arrive back to the point of original innocence (or zero point) where miracles are possible. What I most enjoyed about this book was that it offered a method of forgiveness that one could easily put into practice. It was the same radical forgiveness that first drew me to A Course in Miracles - accepting full responsibility for ALL that occurs within our lives (even if, or better yet, especially if) it involved others because of the simple premise that they are present in our lives. It's a place to start - we can't fix others but we can fix the issue within ourselves that draws problematic people and event in our lives. Zero point is the new beginning of each present moment that is free and clear of all issues - it is our original innocence we presumed lost yet was only forgotten. The basic method of Ho'oponopono is straight forward - accept responsibility for all that occurs within our lives. Forgive each issue. Forgive ourselves. Release ourselves from the energetic binds that keep us attached to the past - we release by repeating four key phrases - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive, Thank you. We are not saying this to another or even to ourselves - we are declaring our freedom to the Divine that lives within and connects us all. We don't have to believe in magic (although I do) It's a method, a ritual that serves as both an affirmation and a tool to break free from painful connections. Somethings don't need to be believed in order to work - they only need to work. And this has for me. I'm looking forward to the sequel to Zero Limits - At Zero. It's on my desk now and has secrets to tell me. Perhaps for you as well.


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