Monday, December 2, 2013

Holy Days

With Christmas season beginning I hope the foremost thought we have is the true purpose of the season. It seems it's become somewhat of a cliche to point this out (year after year) and yet we never seem to quite grasp the holiness of these coming days. Look at the recent Black Friday events that have made the news - people were hurt in an attempt to buy gifts in the spirit of honoring a man crowned the King of Peace - it's beyond ironic - it's sad. These are indeed holy days approaching - regardless of faith and religion and the debatable date of the birth of Christ - they are holy because generations of people have made them holy with their gathered thoughts of what this season means. It's no wonder that these are called the Holidays (Holy days) and not only Christmas. There is a sacred tradition of this time of year from all cultures. If we're still - even for a few moments removed from the bustle of consumerism - we'll fill this holiness. Try it. Perhaps if in tune even slightly to the sacred undertone that fills these days are shopping will be a little less frantic, maybe have a little less importance and our connections to each other, and the earth itself will shine a little brighter. It might be worth a try.


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