Monday, December 23, 2013

Training For 2014

The new year will bring some more of the same - and some less of the same. I hope to continue to run strong and healthy and plan on doing so with a somewhat reduced overall volume. I will still ramp up the mileage when called for but I'm hoping that monthly races - long races of 50k or more - will cover the bulk of distance training and I will concentrate on quality runs (repeats, fartlek, tempo) in between. Weekends will still be used for distance but I won't be as obsessive about it. Strength training will continue as always - right now I'm following Pavel's Simple & Sinister program - very basic and hopefully this will fit into my more minimalist approach to training. Stay tuned for results. I have at least two 100 mile races planned and a few times distance events as well - from 12-24 hours. Maybe more. Thanks for reading!


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