Thursday, December 26, 2013

Find The Thing That Does Not Change

A quiet mind is a wonderful retreat and it's a great benefit resulting from meditation - however it isn't always the immediate reception we hope for - in fact sometimes quite the opposite. Meditation is the art of allowing, of simply being present to what is within at any given moment. Often the settling of the mind will kick up some turbulence that will be disturbing. Our job is to learn to be non-reactive to whatever  arrives - to be a passive witness and gently observe, note and then continue our meditation. We soon see that there are many moods to the mind yet none of them are lasting. Everything is impermanent  - an important lesson of meditation and one that set the Buddha free. As moods pass and thoughts float by we are able to catch a glimpse of something beautiful - our essential nature - the quiet mind. In time, this glimpse becomes a steady gaze and we are blessed with long periods of peace, stillness and an unshakable joy that we find is real and indeed lasting. We have found the one thing that does not change - the ground of all reality - God.


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