Monday, December 16, 2013


Ahimsa - the practice of non-harming in thought and deed. Gandhi not only toppled an empire with this practice he accomplished a much greater feat by far - he conquered the self and became the Mahatma or great soul. In truth we are all great souls and capable of the same transformation as Gandhi. Ahimsa is the means to make this inner journey. Ahimsa is not a passive practice - it takes courage and action to abstain from harming others. It also takes mindfulness and patience. Often neglected is the kindness it bestows upon ourselves when we extend this practice inwards to include ourselves as well as others. Imagine the transformation of the world if this practice was taught and encouraged in schools from the earliest age? The every day violence we see and take for granted would be reduced perhaps to the point of non-existence. Yes, there are people who seek to harm others and violence cannot always be avoided - non harm included protecting ourselves and coming to the aid of others. Again Ahimsa is action not the avoidance of life and all of its messy problems. It's a practice and in light of today's headlines - its a practice that is much needed.


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