Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Snow

First snow fall of the season. There seems to be an ancestral longing to burrow close with things needed in warmth and comfort while the storm passes. Snow storms always leave me feeling just a little bit lonely - as if I'm missing on some deep connection with nature. I'm less tolerant of snow now with age and the wisdom that it's better to be warm and dry then to spend any length of time fighting through the snow. Yet still I get out there - I run my miles regardless of wind chill and falling flakes. It brings me closer to that primordial connection with nature.  And later while I burrow with books, warmth and comfort and occasionally glance through the window - I understand a little better the mystery of that ancient longing.



Margrit said...

,,, "with age ..." you say! This makes me smile and think that I feel very young in regard of snow, because I LOVE it. It's in the hush of falling snow that the world gives us a demonstration of true peace and connection with Spirit! And in spirit I run with you, dear Eric. To make you feel less lonely :).
Love and warm hugs.

A Headless Place said...

I am never lonely when I hold you in my thoughts Margherita!
