Sunday, December 1, 2013

Running - Not This, Nor That

Running doesn't make one spiritual - that's beyond the scope of any activity. Running can strip away our non-essential layers and reveal the aspect of Self we've always been - spirit. It's a meditation of the body - as pain and fatigue set in we discover an ability to keep moving with a faith that we are beyond the experience of any given moment. We are not legs, nor heart, nor lungs or bones - we are not the will which drives us only to a certain point - we are spirit which moves us beyond the point of mind and body to a realm that's seldom known. Running becomes our "Neti, Neti" meditation - an ancient meditation method described in the Upanishads. Neti, Neti means "not this, nor that" it's chief aim being to negate all that is not the Self. In distant running we dismiss all that is not motion and all that does not drive our motion forward - we move beyond the point cramping legs, burning lungs and weakened will - we are only what keeps us moving - spirit.


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