Monday, December 9, 2013

Beyond What We Eat

Only a few days after Jay-Z and Beyoncé announced their 22 day vegan cleanse (spiritual and physical) Beyoncé has been spotted wearing fur in several vegan establishments. Of course in the vegan world this has generated quite a controversy. The Vegan Society offers a defense for Beyoncé in that a focus on the negative would discourage her and others who may follow her into this lifestyle from sticking with it. To an extent I agree. To a further extent I find the act thoughtless and self-absorbed.

It is important to encourage people towards a vegan life style and offering criticism and discouragement is certainly not helpful. However Beyoncé would have had to spent the past several decades living in a cave to not know the controversy of wearing fur let alone wearing it in a vegan establishment. It was a move with thought or care towards others let alone the animals that were destroyed. If indeed this 22 days of veganism is a spiritual cleanse as well is physical (as claimed by Jay Z) then perhaps Beyoncé should add a 22 day mediation program on awareness and compassion - a positive change in diet and spirit will definitely emerge from that. Being a celebrity is no excuse for being thoughtless and I applaud both Beyoncé and Jay Z for their steps towards a more thoughtful, less cruel and yes, a less self absorbed way of life. Giving up the furs would be an excellent first step.

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