Sunday, September 22, 2013

Conestoga 10 Mile Trail Run - Race Notes

Tired legs today. That was the theme. Sometimes we can't run on the legs we wish for so we run on the legs we have and that was today. Conestoga 10 Mile Trail run is always an adventure -from the shuttle but to the race start, the never ending hills and this year the slick course. It's all part of the fun. The Race Director Bill Smith takes great pride in this course - you can hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes during the last minute instructions. And everyone who finishes the race should be proud as well - it's that tough. And it's beautiful. Pennsylvania is a rugged state and this trail gets the best of it - rocky, rooty and I think I mentioned the hills, right?
Today was a little rough for me race wise. Coming off of several weeks of heavy racing and training left me with little to give to the hills and not a whole lot of speed on the down hills either. Early on I settled for a finish and time on my feet for Croaton 24 Hour that's fast approaching and to leave a little something in my legs for Blues Cruise 50k in two weeks. It was great feedback and hopefully I won't be too thick headed to heed it.
So race number 5 at Conestoga is in the books and I'm gunning for 20 - 15 more to go!


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