Friday, September 20, 2013

Attachments, Freedom and Our Addictions

Well it seems that I should be writing about attachments today - that has been the direction the universe has been pushing me towards. From an audio program I was listening to in my car, to a random quote from the Bhagavad Gita, to several post on Facebook this afternoon. So here goes - attachments lead to suffering. Free from attachments we while we will still experience the ups and downs of a well and long lived life, we will be free from any suffering usually accompanying said life. Pretty simple. And fairly easy to accomplish - recognize the nature of our suffering - and release. So, than, why is it so hard and so infrequently practiced by so many? Well, that's simple too really - it's because we're addicted to both our pleasures and pains. We're addicted to thoughts and constant motion and distractions and we're afraid to let them go. We're afraid that without our addictions we would be nothing. And we're right. Without motion we are stillness. Without thought we are being and without attachment to pain and pleasure we are free. Simple. And not quite so frightening. Yet a lifetime of addiction takes a bit of time to overcome -maybe not a lifetime - but some time, some practice and lots of patience and care. We have time to practice.


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