Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Speed Play

Due to several weeks of appointments that made heading tot he track for my weekly track workout difficult I opted for fartlek style runs. For those who may not know fartlek is a Swedish word that translates to "speed play" I always picture dolphins surging and leaping when I think of this word. Watch a dolphin in the ocean and it's playful nature and pure love of motion is evident - dolphins have that "Buddha smile" I have written so often about. A fartlek run can be structured or unstructured - many argue that by its very nature (play) it must be unstructured but freedom is often found within boundaries we pain ourselves - self expressionism painting isn't just paint splashed against the canvas - the artist has a structure that he is following although he may be the only one who knows what it is. It's an artist's privilege. One of the things I really hope to convey to other runners is that the trails and roads are your medium, your canvass and you can pain the run in any manner you wish - the structure is the run itself, the trail, or the nature of the workout you wish to do. Don't buy into labels - even self created ones.
So I've been enjoying the speed play and think I will avoid the track for the next few months - it's a good time to play right now.


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