Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Some Runners

There were some runners at last weekends Labor Pain 12 Hour Endurance Trail Race who made it look absolutely effortless - lap after lap with the same look of composure and focus. I'm in awe of such runners. Their talent is evident and there is no doubt that they have put in the training to back that natural ability up. To run like that is the dream and keeps me training hard.
There were also runners who obviously lacked the physical gifts of the lead runners - yet they too ran lap after lap on sheer grit and determination. Perhaps simply for the love of what they were doing. I'm in awe of such runners. Their commitment is evident and there is no doubt that they have put in the training to back that love and will power up. To run like that is the dream and keeps me training hard.
A deep bow to all of these runners.


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