Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Don't Be That Person (Vegan Topic Warning For Those Who Are Sick Of Vegan Topics)

Some people love to champion their food addictions and they love to make fun of a vegans passion for ethical eating. There is what they're joking about -

Funny stuff huh?
I don't suffer from the delusion that I feel the pain of other beings any more than a non-vegan does - but I do make myself more aware of it, I don't shy from the reality of their suffering and make lame jokes about it so I won't have to confront my own ethics and my eating habits. Those who witness animal torture daily and participate in their mistreatment slowly change and compassion- just like a muscle - atrophies with lack of use. I understand why people don't want to see where their food comes from - it's horrible - and I know that a joke makes it easier to turn away and continue eating in a manner that is inhumane to animals, deadly to the planet and unhealthy to the consumer. Yet our capacity for compassion and compassionate action will continue to shrink and it will become easier to turn away from the suffering of others as well. Don't become that person.


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