Monday, September 30, 2013

The Path Itself

With another 50k fast approaching this weekend and the Croatan 24 Hour event not too far ahead thoughts of priorities have been running through my mind. I have set some significant PR's this year - from 5k to 50k along with covering some new distance - some key races have not gone as planned and it's likely due to over racing and over training in between. After Croatan the plan is for some major rest and a break from longer races until at least January. And yet in reflection I realize that being the fastest runner in the field has never been my goal - to be faster, yes - but the race itself is the goal. I enjoy being out there, on the trail or the run and running the long miles and seeing the scenery again or for the first time. There is a Buddhist saying that the path itself is the goal and that rings true with me.


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