Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Few Thoughts On my First 24 Hour Event

Just a little over a week away from my first 24 hour race - I'm very excited about - perhaps more so than any ultra I've run to date. The mental challenge of running over a set course is part of it, although it is a 1 mile loop through a scenic state park - many 24 hour races are held on a traditional quarter mile track - now that takes a very strong mental constitution. Another factor - and this may be the largest part - is the freedom within the structure provided. It's entirely up to the runner what mileage they fill that time frame with - from 1 mile to 100+. Of course I wish for many miles - my main goal is to reach a distance PR (63+) and this should be doable simply by staying on the course for the entire 24 hours. Anything over 70 and I will be satisfied, 80+ and I will be thrilled. Anything above that I don't think my brain has processed yet. Simply running until I am out of time is a worthy goal. Running happy - of course - trumps all else.


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