Friday, October 4, 2013

Goverment Shutdown Rant

I try not to get political when I write about politics - by that I mean I don't wish to see things in a narrow perspective designed by media and political parties. I like to be informed and I like to listen to all sides even if my instincts point me in the opposite direction. Everyone has a valid opinion by virtue of their existence and feelings yet not everyone has valid facts. Including me. I do try though and I do try to not let my biases influence my listening skills. Sometimes I fail. Maybe often I fail.
The government shutdown is a good example and a perfect opportunity for me to practice patience and careful listening. I accept that there is fear of a federal government over-reach with the new heath care law. Yet many facts show that far from being harmful this law will help millions of people who are in desperate need for such care. So where do we compromise? My thoughts - on this issue - is that we don't. It's a law - unpopular with some and much needed by others. Need and aid trumps popularity with me. There are issues with the law for certain and these issues I am sure will be addressed and corrected and this can and should be done in due process. Many laws have come to pass with a rough start and unpopular beginning. As a people we worked through the issues. We will this time too. To my friends and family who have been affected by the government shutdown - I'm sorry. Please contact your Congressman and Senator and ask for action. As Albert Einstein once said -" nothing changes until something moves." It's time we move as a united people.


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