Saturday, October 19, 2013

Long Run

The long run is the back bone of any distance training plan - it's the string that ties everything else together. Speed is useless if you can't go the distance. It can also be the run that takes us the deepest spiritually as well. The slower pace allows us to soak in our surroundings and observe things we may well miss on our faster paced runs. We have a chance to commune with nature and turn inwards at the same time. With less emphasis on speed we are able to turn the mind off and allow thoughts to tumble through until we find an inner stillness  - as if the motion of our legs become a mantra for transcending thoughts. In this inner silence inspiration may whisper secrets and problems may get solved - we are open and ready for new beginnings. It is also our chance to endure - to take one more step than we may have thought possible. To reach new ground. To explore. Enjoy the long run.


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