Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Meditation Path

Recently my meditation has shifted focus back to Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM)  - PSM is a mantra based meditation technique that shares some similarities with Transcendental Meditation (TM) It is meant to be effortless - the power of the mantra penetrating deeply past the mundane and subtle thoughts to higher and higher states of consciousness. Concentration is not part of the equation although it will develop naturally within the practice. I have practiced PSM since 2001, along with Buddhist mindfulness and Passage Meditation. Every practice has something to offer and these three have been my mainstay. It seems time right now to devote myself to PSM and allow it to unfold through this devotion. As the practice deepens I will add in the sutra meditations that Deepak Chopra talks about in his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (I love that title)
And that's where my meditation is headed these days. I hope that everyone who happens to read my blog has found a path that works for them - and devotes themselves to their own fulfillment. Thanks for reading.


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