Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's 9:00 AM

I love how Somerset Maugham once told a group of students that he found it most important to write when he was inspired - and that fortunately inspiration showed up at his desk every morning at 9:00. The lesson? We have to court the Muse. Inspiration strikes us blindly only because we fail to be opened to it 99 percent of the time. It is always present - a Divine attribute that we can all tap into at a moments notice. By courting the Muse we arrange our priorities to be open to her ever present whisper. We remove the walls that block Her voice from reaching us. Meditation has been essential in opening myself to inspiration - acting as a direct link that allows the Infinite to (sometimes) speak through me without the personal filters of my ego. My best writing is when I am mostly absent from the process and allow inspiration access to my fingers and the page. Through meditation the world becomes my desk and every moment 9:00 AM - the muse is always present, always whispering - my one job is to simply listen.


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