Saturday, April 2, 2011

Moderate This

Can suffering be done in moderation? It seems easy to sit back and declare all things in moderation - especially when blessed with a voice to speak and ears to hear. But what of those who speak a different language? How is communication possible when we refuse to look into the eyes of those who suffer for our meals? None of what you will see on this video (if we have the courage to watch)is necessary. Our diet is one of choice and one that is not only based upon the suffering of animals but is causing worldwide suffering for other people as well as (possibly) permanent damage to the enviorment. There's no need to take what I'm saying at face value - the facts are recorded and easily found.
Let's start with this -

And here -

And here -

There will be some who will wish to debate, defend, and counter - they're wasting their time. These aren't my facts.
I switched to a Veagn diet for mainly ethical reasons.
I'm astounded by the health and athletic improvements I have gained. There's a reason for everyone to switch if we take our blinders off at meal time and stop defending our addictions. Change can happen over night, in an instant or not at all (everything changes, only God is changeless says St. Teresa)and the choice is entirerly up to one individule -
You (and me!)



The Empty Bed said...

Yes ... My daughter told me about these videos .. I don't have the heart to watch. Hearing about it was traumatic enough. So sad --

I do feel that if people have their own chickens and they are treated humanely it is OK to eat eggs and such .. and goats .. goat milk etc. It can be difficult with little kids to go vegan. I've done vegan and vegetarian. You have to know what you are doing or you can end up with problems. :) Just my two cents. Thanks for helping educate.


Autana said...

If all of us could just put a little effort to care for earth, everything would change. Being vegetarian is not only a food condition, it needs more understanding about many things; not being vegetarian is an election and still I think people need to open their minds to many circunstances we are letting behind in our daily life. I sencond some of your ideas beside many of them are an ideal in this world that needs more social consciousness but I believe in awareness so everything could change. By changing our reality we add more energy to a new collective reality.
I feel a little dissapointed when I talk about healthy food or my way to see many things and some people see me like an strage person. So, at this point, I've understood that changing an old pattern needs time and open mind. We don't have in our hand the real truth but there're evidences in front of our eyes, just let's see the energy we are using at home, the cars we drive everyday, the smoke we produce when everybody prefer car than going walking or bicycle, or the water we drink, the garbage we generate (how we dispose of it) so it would be good to continue talking in another post, I love this topic. How can we still live not seeing them?. It's not easy to fit in a complex society where there are such a variety of ideas, but anyways, "I will always second my desire to care for environment and it includes our elections", and I'm still learning...
Thank you Eric.

A Headless Place said...

Hi gut=ys!
Thaks for stopping by and for the input. Elizabeth, as hard as they are to watch I would really recommend viewing them - having the images burned deep to the soul brings a deep conviction that will last through meal time and help bring about a change that this should never be allowed to happen. It is a shame that ethical farming, or what used to be called animal husbandry is no longer a viable means - on a limited scale it can be done and it can be done with great care (and even love)but the demand for cheap, fast meat is to great right now and people throuout the world ar starving so we can eat on the chaep and easy. One person at a time deciding to not participate is enough to bring great change - empires have toppled through individule action gathering momentum. I think with the work you do you're already on the cutting edge of a new frontier of health and well being.

Thank you for sharing Ana - you're views (as are Elizabeths) are always enlightening.
