Monday, April 18, 2011

Todays Training

Todays training -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 3:00 17 reps (6,6,5)
2. Jerk set -@24kgs 1:00
3. Pullups/close grip chins -7/5
4. Pushup circuit -20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/pike)
5. Pushdowns -( medium band) 1x20
6. Run - bike path 3.50 (Bikilas)

Tired legs but not bad after a great weekend of running. I'm looking forward to the marathon and it's up in the air whether I'm passing someone or not but either way should be a great day running on a new trail.
I'm shooting for a 50 mile week with a shorter long run on Saturday - no more than 15 miles for sure.

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