Friday, April 29, 2011

Training Log and some thoughts

Todays workout -

1.Long cycle -@16kgs 6x1:00 (7rpm) 45 reps
2.Pullups/close grip chins – 5/5
3.Curls -1x12@65lbs 1x8@70lbs 1x5@75lbs
4.pushups - 1x30
5.Leg raise/stability ball crunch (10lbs med ball) 1x20/10

Finally feeling like I'm over the "heavy leg" syndrom of the past few days and just in time for tomorrows trail marathon. Tough, muddy trail with muliple big stream crossing should make for slow but fun run. It will be my wofres first actual marathon after two 50k's - she was hoping for a faster time but don't think it will happen at tomorrows race. She does plan on The Air Force Marathon and I believe Baltimore so she has plenty of time to hit her 4:00 goal.
Stay tuned for race review!

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