Friday, April 8, 2011

Todays Training

Training for today -
1. Jerk set-@16kgs 5:00 62 reps
2. Pullup/close grip chins -6/5
3. Alternating DB curls -@30lbs 3x20
4. Pushup circuit - 20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/pike

Nice and easy - although my legs are still feeling the beat down drom the week. Should be good to go by morning and 20-24 miles. It's supposed to be pretty wet and I guess I'll see how long I feel like being in the rain in my water "resitent" gear. I should break down and go all Gore-tex but it's pretty pricey (but well worth it.)Or maybe just run faster - get less wet that way right?

Keep running!


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