Thursday, April 21, 2011

Vegan Resources

Here are some sources that have proven to be extremely helpful for me with a vegan diet and running. I hope they will provide some aide to other as well. Please drop me a line if I can help any with running, diet,kettlebells, meditating or expressing your own creativity. I'm happy to serve in any way.

1. Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book Eat to Live is a great source for an extremely simple approach to a vegan, vegetarian or near vegetarian approach to health and weightloss. Not geared to athletes but if you have this dialed in all the rest will fall into place.

2. Dr. John MacDougall ( Dr. Caldwall Esselstyn (
Fairlly similar in their appraoch (more grain and less fruit in their diet but all of the above are low fat vegan) with great resources on-line and in books (great Youtube links)
3. Rip Esselstyn- Caldwells son and a swimmer and triathlete who has tailored his diet for weightloss and sports. His diet approach too is low fat vegan with great recipes ion his book The Engine ll diet.
4. Dr. Doug Graham - is THE source on low fat, raw vegan eating (80/10/10 is his approach 80% carb, 10% protein and 10% fat) and he is in amazing shape at age 57 and this style is great for athletes. Ultra runner Mike Arnstein has done some amazing races (and logs in 200 mile training runs as well) eating this way. My diet is largely influenced by the 80/10/10 aproach and it's an easy way to move towards a raw vegan life style. Dr. Doug's site but also check out - (yes, eating 30 bananas a day!) and

5. No Meath Athlete - Matt's a runner and a great guy who qualified for Boston soon after switching to a vegetarian diet (he's now vegan - expect big things!) this was after 7 years of trying to qualify.

6. The Renegade Health Show -
Recomending a "high raw" vegan diet. High raw is the path I'm following now after some experimenting a little on my own. My apraoch is more geared along the 80/10/10 style then what they have hear but having options to explore is always good (as long as you listen to me in the end!)

few others books and authors to note -
SkinnyBitch is a great book and will guide you along the vegan path with health and style.There are great companion books along with the original (and one with recipes). (I have a secrect crush on Rory Freedman by the way!)
. The Crazy Sexy Diet - very inspirational.

And of course the Grandaddy of them all and great resource book on the why you should do this - The China Study.

Also Alicia Silverstone has a great book The Kind Diet that is full of recipes and useful information.

Again I hope this helps and feel free to help me add to this list and keep posted on your health journey.


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