Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Training Log -4/20/11

Training for today -
1.Jerk set -@20kgs 5:00 25 reps
2.Snatch set -@16kgs 4:00 27/28
3.Side press -@16kgs 2x5
4.Pullups – (medium grip) 2x5
5.Run – bike path 8.16 (Bikilas LS)

Side presses were light and fun - added them in after seeing Mike Mahler do a set. Of course he used a 97lb kettlebell. But maybe that's why mine were so much fun? Anyway it's a great exercise and it's been years since I have done them. It's a nice exercise for runners as it's also a core exercise as well as full upper body movement. Might be a keeper for awhile.
21 plus miles for the week and I might run all the way throuhg the week (Friday too) and then do nothing but short runs through next week with Friday completely off. Plan is still developing so we'll see.
Thanks for reading!


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