Friday, April 15, 2011

No Debate

I am not a hunter gatherer.
And chances are neither are you.
I would be willing to wager that (with rare exceptions) you are gathering your meals in supermarket aisles and fast food resurants. I gather mine in the produce department. Was mman meant to eat meat? There are well thought out arguments for both sides of the dietary debate. Here's my take - I don't care. Maybe we were. But we don't have to continue to do so. Even in the wild - if we were truly hunter gatherers - are diet would primarily consist of plants (about 65% according to some studies) with meat being a less of a staple and more of a luxery item when the conditions were right and we were particularly skillfull in the hunt. Even excelent hunters have bad days. This isn't an argument on the health benifits of a vegan diet VS. meat eating. This is a statement that no one should be eating meat from the source of factory farms that do nothing but torture animals and depreive us of any good qualitiies that meat may even have (very little.). There is no need to eat this kind of meat. There is no need to be cruel. We are told that farms must be this way in order to produce tha mass quanity of meat that is in demand now - and that statement alone should be screaming an obvious truth to us all - we don't need it. If you can watch this video below and only feel the need to defend your meal choice - then there is really no deate. And nobody wins.

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