Thursday, April 7, 2011

Todays Training

Todays training -
1. Overhead press - 1x3@65lbs 1x3@75lbs 1x6@85lbs
2. Long cyce -220kgs 5:00 24 reps
3. Pullups/c;pse grip chins -5/5
4. Pushups - 2x25
5. Run - trail 6.11 (NB Minimus)

1. Pushups - 2x25
2. Run - bike pth 3.05 (Sport Treks)

29.49 for the week with two runs left to go - 60 is possible but we'll see. It's fairly big jump in volume from the mid to high 40's I've been doing since Seneca but I do want to push the volume for the next two weeks - topping out at 70+ before the marathon. That seems to be the magic number for me and feeling confident going into a race. For Catoctim I hope to top out at 80+ with lots of hills to know I'm ready.
Easy lifting tomorrow - no running.


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